An Open Arguement to be Misunderstood at Your Leisure

It’s like when a baby cries and you give her her favourite milk but she cries some more. You try her favourite food yet the crying continues so you change her nappy to no avail. Without any luck you rock her cradle, sing her favourite song and try a million and one things until she is too tired to cry and your wits are worn thin. All you hear is crying and you wish you could understand its meaning but fail and continue trying the wrong things.

We are not babies. We have words and more still the ability to act, yet we wear masks so as to be as unidentifiable as our demands and cry and cry and cry for change. We have a couple of strops each year, throw some things about and decry capitalism only to return to work for the rest of the year and shop and shop until we drop. We even set money aside to shop after we drop. That or we go to school to learn how to cry and cry and cry and work and work and work and shop and shop and shop.

We constantly dream of change yet are forever unclear as to how to affect that change. Hell we we are not even sure what kind of change we want because at a protest denouncing university fees we find factions crying out against Cameron, others against austerity, yet more still against capitalism while some are opposed to excessive surveillance, pollution, climate change, war, racism, police brutality, immigration or call for legalisation as the students themselves play drums, blow whistles and shout amidst the din for change while simultaneously planning the excessively successful after-party where enthusiastic discussions on events that have affected no change are held over thin lines and empty bottles, all before getting ready for Monday’s lecture.

We continue arguing without specification and we cry and cry and cry until we are too tired even to speak, thus we are forced to return to our daily lives seething.

Have we forgotten that change is the only constant in life? Unless we can declare the exact type of change we want, we shall see it only in our flesh and bones and hair and air. Instead of crying for all change at once, why not decide which change we wish to see first, focus all our strength on that and once it is achieved move on to the next objective?

We are the change we wish to see however at the moment we are simply a conglomeration of a chaotic mess. As we progress in out chosen path the change we seek is inevitable but it will be wholly unlike what we imagined. It will be a disappointment that will force our children and their children’s children to take to the streets in masks and cry!

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