Archive for Revenge

On Protests, Peaceful or Otherwise.

Posted in Article, General Interest, Social Divide with tags , , , on June 17, 2013 by eduard696dantes

When tensions run high, shit is going to unfold. Depending on the situation; feelings will be hurt, rumours will run the hamster’s wheel and angry shouts will erupt. Defamation will be the case and slander will ring true to some. Lies will be told, slaps handed over and punches dished out. Massive water guns and tear gas projectiles will be packed and launched into crowds and rubber bullets will be fired at those running wild. Riots will erupt and live rounds will be loaded to await the slightest sign of unrest for a shot.

Many will be hurt and many will die.

All for containment and peace or a reassertion of what you think right. The original disagreement will not matter. Only survival will. Survival of the fittest who will be able to argue the chaos towards their favour and means.

And it would be a simple thing to argue. “We wanted to contain them safely, but they ran rampant like packs of rabid dogs with a freshly acquired taste for raw meat. They would have killed us all. Everyone would have died if we hadn’t done what we did. It to save as many lives as we could.” Or:
“We wanted to protest peacefully but they opened fire on us like rabbits at a hunt so we defended ourselves in any way possible. We would be dead if we hadn’t done what we did. It to save as many lives as we could.”

To all the leaders out there, when you call for a protest or a clamp down against some sort of infraction, remember that not everyone is as much in control of their selves as you. Unless of course this is the carnage you wanted in the beginning. Be clear on what you are willing to lose. There is no true way of knowing how some people will react to your righteous measures.

It doesn’t matter who threw the first punch. The one who gets away is the one who argues it well in the media circus-like aftermath. Just know that many will be hurt or dead and that more likely than not, nothing will be achieved…

…Except chaos. Chaos and hatred and the desire for revenge.